Inspiration is the springboard for creativity. It awakens us to see new possibilities beyond existing constraints and motivates us to actualize a new idea or vision. We are therefore always working to inspire financial professionals to (re)connect their work to the real, circular economy. Circular Finance Lab provides tailored sessions, keynotes, clips or interviews around the topic of circularity and finance to inspire organisations, teams and individuals to develop new ideas that will shape the future of finance and circularity.
Fit for Finance.
Circular Finance Lab works with circular businesses to help them get ‘fit for finance’. Are you a company that has circular objectives but struggles to find suitable, circular, financing? Or are you a financial institution that came across an interesting circular company, but unable to provide finance or invest with the given instruments? If you are, and you are ready to experiment with new financial models, we are happy to help!
Circularity to the Core.
We work with financial institutions to integrate circularity into core financial processes and models. For example by updating risk models to integrate linear risk – the risk that companies run by continuing to operate linearly under the false assumption of infinite resources. On the other hand, we develop also new risk models that focus on the future (rather than history) and securing funding by future cashflows, supply chain relationships and long-term stability.
Radical Financial Innovation.
With relevant stakeholders from all kinds of disciplines, we co-create radical financial innovation for the circular model. Take for example the c0-development of the Circular Service (CiSe) platform, which is based on blockchain technology and fundamentally changes the relationship between financier, entrepreneur and user.
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